Monday, July 28, 2008

Back in Siantar

Much of the group has been back in Siantar since Saturday and they have been BUSY.

Saturday they went to Balige to visit the Deaconess School, the Biblefrau, and Salib Kasih.

The group met some marvelous Biblefrau. This was a case in which the language barrier was frustrating because they had so many years of experience between them but we were unable to converse effeciently. Some of the women were bed-bound but they are still able to pray, which is the primary calling of the Biblefrau women.

At Salib Kasih, everyone including Gloria made it to the top of the climb to see the view that Ludwig Nommensen had when he heard god call to bring the Gospel to the Batak people.

Sunday they worshiped at a church on a palm oil plantation and followed that with lunch and a tour of the facility. After a break in the afternoon, they attended a birthday party for Eriste, the wife of Praesses Plasthon.

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