Friday, July 25, 2008

Update after language training

Horas from Indonesia,

We've heard many stories of faith and courage of the Batak people, stories of sorrow, injury, even hiding from those seeking to harm them. English language training was wonderfully successful for all, both our Batak sisters and brothers and our delegation. Most of us received nicknames in Batak. Lowell is "tulang" which means "uncle". We've experience many forms of worship, including various dramas, mime, music, hymns from Western Europe sung in Batak, and lots of humor. The Batak people love to laugh and their smiles warm the whole room.

Lowell and Jean made the ferry crossing yesterday so they could return to Medan where they will catch a flight to Nias Island today to check on IK Synod supported projects. The lake had some big waves making for an interesting crossing as the chairs started moving across the deck. Lowell will preach tomorrow at a HKBP church in Gunungsitoli on Nias.

Lake Toba is beautiful, like a travel brochure in all directions, the mountains rise from the shore of the lake probably 1,500 to 2,000 feet. There are flowers everywhere; the air seems to bloom. Lowell had orchids in his room on arrival. Although beautiful, some of the people are aware of the pollution problems for the lake. The hotel has a host/owner family of great hospitality and generosity, who are members of the HKBP. There are still many geckos but none of them are selling insurance.

The basic foods have been fish and rice, with some chicken. The fresh tropical fruits we ate include many we've not heard of, with wonderful flavors. The pineapple continues to be indescribable. Other foods we've enjoyed include fried bananas, a squid casserole, rice noodles with peanut sauce, marquisa juice, papayas, guavas, curried beef, and some unidentified dishes.

A few have had very minor health issues but nothing more than 24 hour traveller problems.

The rest of the group is leaving Samosir Island this morning to visit various HKBP ministries.

Blessings from Jean and Lowell and all the facilitators and participants.

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