Friday, July 11, 2008

Intro Lowell


My name is Lowell. I’m a retired Pastor, and have served congregations in Michigan and Indiana. I’m a graduate of Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, MN, and LSTC in Chicago. I’m a South Dakota native; I’m married, and I have two sons.

Throughout my life, I’ve always been interested in languages, how words and concepts are used, and the nuances and hints that differ from language to language. I have some familiarity with about ten languages, and have been fluent in a couple of them in the past (but not now!). I have traveled in Europe and Central America. In Guatemala, I gained a deeper awareness of linguistic insights from indigenous languages there.

My hobbies include woodworking, restoration of antiques, gardening, bird watching, working to care for the environment, hiking, canoeing, water coloring, reading, writing, plus too many other things as well.

In my work as a pastor, I have most enjoyed preaching, worship, and adult education. I’ve served on many committees for the Synod, but found most satisfaction in my work in preparing candidates for service in the ministry. I’ve always been a person who worked for and stood by the least, the last, and the lost.

I look forward with much anticipation to my trip to Sumatra, but also have a measure of hesitation over being an “ambassador” (as St. Paul uses the term) for my Congregation, my Synod, and my Church. I also look forward to learning a great deal more from fellow sisters and brothers in Christ.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pastor Lowell:

We trust that you are enjoying your journey as you spread God's word and teach English. I was not aware of your interest in language and Linguistics. My dad was an English professor whose PhD. was in Linguistics. May the Lord bless and keep you and safely return you to Crawfordsville.

Ron Carmony